My MR2 / 000326_02Matt Gawlowski |
Spring 2000 - Cleaning an MR2 is no simple task. The items below were all used one spring day, and are part of a typical detailing I give my MR2 occaisionally. From left to right: tire cleaner, polishing compound, bug & tar remover, TR3 oxidation remover & galze, detail brush, clear plastic cleaner & polish, paint cleaner, paint polish, Meguiar's Gold Class wax, Rain-X, vinyl protectant (aka Armor All), window cleaner. In the bucker are the tools used for washing the car - Simple Green (engine compartment), Meguiar's car wash soap, sponge #1 for washing the painted surfaces, sponge #2 for washing wheels and unpainted surfaces, detail brush for engine compartment, and of course, a dedicated car wash bucket.
It's not an obsession, really! ;-)